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Apply for Immigration Legal Services


Catholic Charities Eastern Washington proudly lives its mission statement every day: Feed the Hungry, Heal the Hurting, Welcome the Stranger. As part of that, Immigration Legal Services provides educational resources as well as high-quality legal consultations and assistance to (documented and undocumented) immigrants of all nationalities, ethnicities and religions. 

Catholic Charities draws upon the wisdom of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which for decades has advocated on behalf of immigrants. USCCB specifically states: The Catholic Church in the United States is an immigrant Church with a long history of embracing diverse newcomers and providing assistance and pastoral care to immigrants, migrants, refugees and people on the move.


Since the time of the Hebrews in Egypt, the people of God have believed that God holds a special place for those on the move. Today, the Church still responds to Christ’s call to “welcome the stranger among us,” for in this encounter with the immigrant, the migrant, and the refugee in our midst, we encounter Christ. Archbishop Broglio, President of the USCCB, tells us, “Compelled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and recognizing the inherent dignity of each person as a child of God, we stand in firm solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters who live and labor in these United States.” With this in mind and heart, we in the Church respond to fear with hope and support as we offer solidarity with the immigrant communities in our midst, following the example and teaching of Jesus.


This website is only an educational tool to help people find the right services and resources as they navigate guidelines set forth by the Department of Justice. While the information on this website addresses various legal issues, it is not intended as legal advice or as a substitute for legal advice of your own counsel. The use of this material does not in any manner constitute an attorney-client relationship between Catholic Charities Eastern Washington and the user.

Need to Know

Links to additional resources and news.

CCEW’s primary goals are to promote the reunification of families and to legally assist integration of newcomers successfully into our community. We treat each client with professionalism and respect, prioritizing their dignity and ensuring confidentiality. 


A Message From Bishop Seitz: We Have Become a Great Nation Because We Have Welcomed Immigrants

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