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jv series #2.

Continuing our mini-series about the Jesuit Volunteers working within the Catholic Charities agency this year, it is our pleasure to introduce Keith Emert and Sarah Froehlke!

Sarah is working at CAPA this year as a Mentor Program Case manager, “My main role is to is to welcome and provide support to CAPA families working to strengthen their parenting skills.” Keith is a Residential Client Coordinator at the House of Charity, “The Residential Client program is designed to be a job-training readiness program, so in addition to managing the workload of my team members and mediating conflicts, I am also responsible for helping them establish workable life goals and addressing their needs towards achieving these goals by directing to them to the appropriate resources.”

Like Kate and Hannah, who we introduced in August, Keith (pictured right) and Sarah (pictured left) had some interesting insights about their experience so far working at Catholic Charities programs. Speaking about his impression of Catholic Charities as an agency, Keith said, “Catholic Charities does well in bringing together generally good-willed people. I think Catholic Charities offers irreplaceable services to the community.” He went on to describe how in every endeavor Catholic Charities takes on, it is accomplished without discrimination and is solution-oriented to empower the vulnerable individuals and families we serve. Sarah echoed Keith, recounting her early impressions of the agency, “I greatly admire how Catholic Charities consistently advocates for those living on the margins of society and works for a better tomorrow. [Catholic Charities] has made and continues to make great strides in promoting social justice.”

Keith also detailed his anticipation for working with men and women “who live on the periphery” of mainstream society. He looks forward to interacting with our clients on a daily basis, “I believe this year of service will be a formative one for me, helping me to grow in my ability to empathize with others and come to a more holistic understanding of the forces that influence their decision-making," in addition to reasons parallel to many of our wonderful, generous volunteers: the challenges our clients face are ones that many would never even have to consider how to deal with, and their own life situation is largely out of the control of our patrons. Walking with them, even in small part, through their journey yields invaluable experience in empathy and compassion, but also gives insight and understanding, and combats fear.

Sarah is looking forward to, “serving alongside the CAPA staff,” as well as how she describes, “looking forward to a year full of hope, growth, and love!” “I feel honored to serve as an associate of Catholic Charities,” concluded Keith.

A very warm welcome to Sarah and Keith, we hope you continue to grow and learn as you go through your service experience here in Spokane at Catholic Charities. We are happy to have you!



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