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our community is ready

Gonzaga Family Haven (GFH) is the 17th-tax credit property that Catholic Charities Eastern Washington (CCEW) has been awarded and constructed since 2012. Gonzaga Family Haven will change the lives of families who have experienced the trauma of intergenerational poverty, homelessness, and the chaos of family separation. Through a unique partnership with Gonzaga University and Gonzaga Preparatory School embedded student volunteers, the property will provide a full range of supportive services for residents of the community and be a magnet center for services for the neighborhood. Click here to read more.

On Wednesday, February 10, Rob McCann, president and CEO of Catholic Charities (pictured in blue above), along with officials from Gonzaga University and Gonzaga Prep, gathered together to bless GFH and officially break ground on CCEW's newest property. Located next door to Gonzaga Preparatory School and three blocks from the Gonzaga University campus, GFH looks to open its' doors by the fall of 2021.



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